Worry is really not helpful in any situation. When we worry, we allow our fearful state of mind to take over our attention, our energy, our time, and lead us […]
Joyful Gauranga Breathing
Gauranga Breathing is another type of yoga mantra meditation. Like kirtan and japa yoga, this meditation uses transcendental mantras to gradually purify your consciousness, allowing you to more and more […]
Naturally In Harmony – Music for Spiritual Realization
Naturally, we are attracted to music. For many of us, it plays such a central role in our lives that we listen to it every day, throughout our day, and […]
Who Am I – Answers in the Vedic Scriptures
If a person is seeking to purify themselves of what that is unnatural, then the question of “what is natural for me?” arises. To know what is natural for you, you must first […]
Who am I? Realizing our Eternal Position and Function
We have talked at length about the importance of knowing our true essence – of understanding that we are not the material mind or body, but are, in fact, the eternal spiritual […]
Spiritual Life is Happiness
Everyone is looking for happiness. We base our lives – either directly or indirectly – upon what we are convinced will bring us the most happiness. The desire for happiness […]
The Joy of Clarity
We are constantly faced with choices throughout our lives. There are smaller choices like what flavor of jam to buy and larger choices like what will be the focus for […]
Yoga Mantra Meditation – A Daily Spiritual Practice Anyone Can Keep
The end of one year and the beginning of the next is traditionally a time to reflect on the current course of our lives and make any adjustments needed to […]
The Joy of Forgiveness
It is inevitable that we will have the experience of being wronged, hurt, or offended in some way by another human being. Moreover, it is likely an experience we will […]
Finding Happiness in Selfless Service
When I was a child, my parents would take my brothers and I with them to volunteer in a soup kitchen on Saturday mornings. We all helped in preparing the meal and […]